Looking at the "test" idea you have, the issue may be due to the two things added not being "idea" rewards. i did what you told me about but it didnt show up at the beginning of the game (like i wanted to) or at all -> national spirit 4-) invite them to an alliance.

You have to first create an idea, and then when selecting a "group" you can select "country" and that will create a national spirit. A national spirit is just a category of an Idea. The Puppetmaster (21) MODDING: Adding a national spirit to a focus tree. I always choose the option where i spend 145 political power for an 80% chance for the strikes to end. In the game, you pick your nation and go into the battle. With its help you will have a higher chance of establishing positive trade agreements. Siamese Hoi4 National Sprit-Originally intended to be included in "For Nation, Religion & King A Siamese Flavour Mod" A defunct Nationalist Siam Mod by supakitsangtopo2544.