Strawburst will be very helpful in taking out Buckethead Mummy and Robo-Cone Zombie, and are much bigger problem.

Use Infi-nut to stall groups of zombies, don't hesitate using Blover on Bug Zombie (though Kernel-pult can instantly kill Zombie Bug), since that's what Blover is needed in this level. N/A Kernel-pult will be more helpful because it can easily take out the low-threat zombies here such as, Mummy Zombies and Conehead Mummy, which avoid you from using Strawburst from single or weak group of zombies, however since Kernel-pult can only attack one zombie at a time, stalling is required. Waves The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost one. Penny: Strawburst's berry grows over time Keep in mind that there will be ambushes of Bug Bot Imp, but use stage 1 Strawburst to get rid of them. Use Plant Food on Strawburst to easily deal damage to all zombies on the lawn. It will take more than three stage three Strawburst to easily defeat these zombies, so stalling is important. Chard Guard is helpful in handling Gargantuar's and push them back, use Stallia to stall them long. Use Stallia to stall zombies, to give enough time for Strawburst to grow. Strawburst will be the only plant given, so you have to rely on them to easily destroy zombies, you should always give time to recharge Strawburst, Mermaid Imps can easily eat through your defense, use only stage one of the Strawburst to defeat them and as well as clearing out Tombstones.