This involves finding and shifting ladders, creating rafts for her to float on, and clearing areas of unwanted baddies. Unfortunately, since Ellie is much younger and smaller, Joel must often find new ways for Ellie to overcome obstacles. Playing as Joel, you'll have no issue climbing up high ledges, swimming through rough waters, and sneaking around with silence. There's also an element of puzzle-solving and critical thinking in The Last of Us, as players must help Ellie navigate the treacherous environment.

When the action gets heated though, you'll be able to hold off hostile humans and creatures with a handful of firearms and explosives. The Last of Us emphasizes its stealth by allowing players to craft various weapons and traps, which can be used to eliminate enemies with calculated strategy. For the most part, it's smart to stay stealthy and avoid confrontation when possible. The wild world of The Last of Us is full of foes who are out to maim and kill you, ranging from crazed bandits to horribly disfigured and infected humans nicknamed “Clickers”. Unfortunately, as is par for the course, things go wrong very quickly, sending Joel and Ellie on a terrifying and potentially deadly adventure. Tasked with delivering her to a militia outpost far outside the quarantine zone, Joel prepares for a dangerous journey into the post-apocalyptic landscape. Despite his emotional turmoil, Joel becomes an expert in navigating the ruined country, making him the ideal guardian for a young girl named Ellie who needs a bodyguard. After a tragic loss, Joel becomes reserved and angry, bitter at the world as it falls to pieces. Due to an infectious strain of fungus, humans are becoming ravenously sick, attacking their neighbors, and generally bringing about the apocalypse. The narrative in The Last of Us is exceptionally depressing but also immediately engaging, as it puts you in the shoes of a young father named Joel during a global panic.